

Laundry Plumbing

An area of the home where aside from the bathroom a lot of water damage can occur, which can cost thousands.

Using the services of a qualified Plumber can eliminate a disaster.
Simple things like installing a waste pipe for the washing machine outlet so that if someone puts clothes in the laundry tub there’s not a flood is a great idea.

Often laundry taps go unchecked, and washing machine hoses slowly drip and destroy flooring.

If you’ve not checked your laundry pipes and taps in sometime or you don’t have good drainage for your washing machine waste water then contact us today.

There are a number of different laundry tap types, and it’s important to replace washers and O rings before needed as you may be at work when there’s an issue and the last thing you want is to come home to a flooded house.

As with the kitchen plumbing, get your S trap checked in your laundry, as again it’s “cheap insurance.”

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